Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Make Money With Blogging Tips

Almost everyone get fascinated about the blogging world when they really get to know about the worth. In recent times, Blogging has become quite popular and most of my surrounding knows about it but still that most does not comprise more than 5% of the people who know this word. And even if they heard about it or read blog on an daily basis, they are unaware of income potential. Very few people know that blogging is the best way to make money online. This is quite evident with search engine driving good traffic to get paid to blog phrase.
Earning online is very popular term is search engine and many individual are keenly looking for the ways to work at home online. This is quite evident from the fact that similar words generate more than 20 million search in Google alone (as per keyword tool). No wonder, this is the best online business to start with NO CAPITAL. This is one of the cheapest way to build your online empire and earn residual income from your one time effort for the rest of your life. Please don’t mistake me with the word ‘One time effort’. One time effort does not mean that you develop a blog and leave it and it will be generating income throughout the life. But what I meant was what you write today will be read for many years and in turn will generate residual income for you. Of cource you need to keep your blog updated to make it search engine alive.
When I mentioned ‘No capital’ business. It is really a no capital business where you dont have to spend more than $10 initially. Though many blogger take the free route e.g using publishing platform like ‘blogspot.com’, I am counting $10 for the domain name registration. and hosting charge which does not exceed $5 per month (you can even start with free hosting service provider like limedomains.com).
The income potential is so huge that I have taken this as my full time business leaving my good career in marketing (I have spent 10 years working in a bank, real estate industry in a responsible position). It also does not mean that blogging could be for everyone, No it is not. Like other business it also requires some basic skills like patience, time and learning skill.
Patience: As the saying goes “Rome was not built in a day”, here also you can not think of huge money coming in right from the first day. You need to do planning and then you need to develop, maintain it and use proper marketing strategy. Many individual fails in blogging becasue they put their effort in the beginning and when they fail to market or monetize, they leave it and goes to their previous job.
Time: As mentioned It requires time. The popularity of the blog goes word of mouth and search engine result. You need to nurture your blog through effective mix of SEO, PPC, word of mouth tool etc and success will come with time.
Skill: I dont see this as a major hurdle like other profession requires. You just need to know the basics of whole like blogging platform, bit of html, pinging, trackbacks, Seo trick, monetization, social bookmarking, tagging, use of meta keyword and description etc.
How to start Blog, this is the most basic question and I will prefer to start with this so that even newbie in this arena gets a juice of it.
Check More About this

(1) Blog Publishing Software: You should know the basic of blogging and publishing platform like wordpress. You can also start it with free blogging platform like blogger.com, wordpress.com or google, but there are limitation in terms of layout selection, monetization and long term benefit. If you are serious about blogging and want to take it like your business, you should preferably use your own domain instead of abc.blogspot.com or abc.wordpress.com. It is not only about the total control on layout and monetization and also about your brand value which you are going to create in
long run.
(2) Domain and hosting: If you have decided to take it as full time profession, you should book your own domain name (preferably name should reflect what you are going to blog about) and then choose hosting plan which are available in plenty. You just need to make sure that the hosting service provider is providing good support and maintain 99% uptime. I will write separately on domain registration and hosting service provider in a separate post.
(3) Application: The most popular application for blogging is wordpress, so you should know the installation process of it. But this should not be of very importance because you can always choose to have Cpanel in your hosting which gives Fantastico installer and you can install wordpress with just 2 clicks (even 10 years kid can do it without any problem). Even if your hosting service provider does not offer Cpanel, most of the service provider now a days help you in application installation.
(4) Maintainence: As mentioned earlier, you need to give time for layout selection and learn more about plugins used in wordpress from the designing aspect. The easiest way is to look into successful blog and copy the layout and plugins used for your to make it easy. Just one word “Copy with intelligence”. I remember Johncow.com who copied from one of the most successful blogger johnchow.com and is very popular now.
(5) Feeding: You need to nurture it and feed with the original content regularly. This is the key as most of the people say “Content is king”.
(6) SEO / Marketing: If content is called as King, I dont have word for this. Marketing is the most important stuff you need to think of. You might create one of the best content in online world but it is not a penny worth if no one knows about it. To make the world know about your content, you require proper strategy which could be a mix of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Email marketing, PPC, Social Bookmarking, Inbound and outbound linking etc.

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